Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Snake Eyes

Not a gambling term around our house...it is what Griffen is requesting the eye surgeon put in his one eye when it gets operated on this summer. Now, no matter what I tell him he is determined that the Dr. is IN FACT able to do this if only we ask him...we continue to argue the point!

On another front I took some pictures of the boys today to send out with our New Years letter...yes we are sending out a New Years letter instead of a Christmas letter. Don't ask! Here are a couple that did not make the cut..


carey said...

Rock these are awesome. Man, Carsen sure looks like you. As for Snake Eyes, tell Griffen that he should just ask for bionic boy eyes...they beat snake eyes any day.
Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

The boys are growing up sooo fast, I miss so much! Love the pictures, but what happened to Carsen's hair??? Must be the thought of SNAKE eyes....

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap they are CUTE!!!!

Yeah I just got your New Years Letter!!!

Too freakin funny!!!!

I love you guys!!

Thanks for the BOOBIE GIRL!!! ABby just loves it....


Leslie said...

I love Carsen's hair! Such personality! Was that his styling? Two cute and hilarious boys! I love reading your blog :)