Saturday, January 13, 2007

How we measure pain

Having 2 well...3 boys in the house has taught me how to measure pain. This past Sunday Wes had his first hockey injury of the season. When he came home my comment was, "What the hell happened to you face?" when I first saw him. His comment back was "I ran into another guy, it's not that bad, it didn't bleed too much." Afterwards, he looked in the bathroom mirror with decent lighting and realized that it was a fairly deep gash across the bridge of his nose. Not stitch worthy but still I probably would have been crying! Carsen also seems to be following this rule of measurement this morning he was upstairs and I heard him hit something then a brief cry out. I from downstairs asked what happened. He immediately stopped crying and replied, "Oh I am fine there is no blood." So apparently, if there is little or no's all good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I'm glad to hear that the boys do listen to their Dad! Now that is one for the books... tell Wes if he wasn't trying to be so pushy he would be running into the other guy;}
