Saturday, January 20, 2007


So yesterday, I let the boys have one of those miniature soda's and Carsen was enjoying his in the kitchen while I was in the front room. All of the sudden he is crying fairly hard and running to me saying that he cut his finger. Upon inspection I noticed that it was a little more then your average scratch. It is on the end of his finger and a pretty good little cut, with a decent amount of blood....(there was blood hence the crying! **see previous post**) I then had to ask how did you get this cut and through his tears he pointed to a place on the wall that has a little paint chip out of it that I have yet to touch up. So I go to it and feel it for myself and it is as smooth as can be so being of some intelligence I know that he did not cut it on this spot. The conversation then proceeds as follows:

ME: "Carsen, you did not cut your finger on the wall. Now tell me how you cut yourself."
CARSEN: (through his sobs) "I was not playing with knives!!!"

I then go into the kitchen to check the crime scene for a knife......No knife.....

ME: "Carsen, How Did You Cut Your Finger...????"

CARSEN: "It was my sharp tooth. I bit me with my SHARP TOOTH!!" "Really, I did!!"

After some serious sleuthing I figured out that it was not in fact his sharp tooth it was the lip on the soda can but he did not want to tell me that just in case I was going to take the soda away. When I asked him about it he stuck to his story... "It was my sharp tooth" He finally confessed to his dad later that evening. Note to self....teach the kid how to make up better lies to cover his tracks!!!


carey said...

At least he tries to lie. Josh just laughs and tells the truth.."yeah, i DID throw Jace's toothbrush in the toilet. Then I tooted on it." His eyes gleam with delight. Scary, very scary.

Anonymous said...

Personally I think it is a very good lie and at least he didn't blame anyone else! mom

Leslie said...

Another hilarious story! I love your blog :) Carsen & Griffen are clever little boys.