Tuesday, October 05, 2010


So after about 10 years of "wishing" I was doing this I finally bit the bullet, and twisted my husbands arm, and enrolled myself in Photography school. I recieved my first unit of books/cd's/dvd's etc...yesterday. I tore into it like a kid at Christmas and promptly organized it all...(cuz that's how I do) and then started my reading today. I am pretty excited about it and needless to say a little nervous! The last time I took a test was 10 years ago and it was only a driving test! Plus, of course I have photo projects that I will be sending in to be critiqued. YIKES! Now, I am hoping in about 8 ~ 12 months I can hang my sign up and start my own little business.....wish me luck!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Feeling the Pull

For some reason I am feeling the pull to do this again! I know, I know I have said this before and not followed through but I think this time I might really mean it! I am not even going back to see what/when I last posted I am just jumping in with a fresh start. Although, I do seem to recall that my very first post ever was a poop story or something along that line so I find it totally appropriate to have a fresh start with a puke story......
So, if you know me at all then you know I may hold the record for having the strongest gag reflex know to humans so anything that involves vomit is sure to send me over the edge. Therefore, this week has been a bit of a test for me. See the husband is off galavanting across our nation for "work" and this time I really mean "work" in the way that it came out. That leaves me here at home holding down the fort which is fine except for some reason the dog has puked 4...yep FOUR times this past week....no clue why but he has! Then last night the boys are playing together in the family room while I am on the phone with the husband hearing about the day spent with his Grandma in Illinois and I hear C crying...not the hurt kind of cry but that something is definitely wrong kind of cry and he turns the corner in the front room and he is all red, holding his stomach, and covered in the little styrofoam beans that are supposed to be INSIDE the bean bag! I get off the phone right away and head into the other room to find G standing in the midst of tiny beans, and next to a pile of puke with a deer caught in the headlights look on his face. Carsen, who inherited my social puker gene then starts gagging so I shuttle him into the bathroom and he proceeds to throw up. I then put on my Sherlock Holmes hat to find out what the BLEEP is going on!! Here's the whole truth.....
G talked C into unzipping the bean bag and putting his head in it and walking around while G "poofed" it around on C's head. C was laughing and therefore inhaled a couple of the 'beans' which then caused him to throw the bean bag off his head and puke all over the carpet! This is a scene that seriously could have come straight out of Calvin and Hobbes and caused me to say "WHY ME!!!"
(I do have to admit that last night I did not find this as humorous as I do this morning! )

Thursday, January 28, 2010


It's a new year and I want to write on here....I have been wanting to for a long time but am in need some inspiration....hopefully, I will find it soon! I did see this on a friends facebook page and it struck a chord so I am stealing it!

Life is too short to wake up with regrets. ♥ So love the people who treat you right. ♥ Forget about the one's who don't!!!! Believe everything happens for a reason. If you get a second chance ... grab it with both hands. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Quote from Shorty...

C while trying to get dressed quickly today put his head through the arm hole, spun around a couple times and then says,
"Mom, this shirt is for a one armed dude!!!"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Fast Paced Summer!!

May...MAY was the last time I blogged?? Where has the time gone? Well...I sort of know where the time has gone I just can't believe it has gone so quickly! The boys got out of school and we promptly loaded up the family mobile and headed out. We made a quick stop in Boise to visit with Wes (who is living there for 6 months) then on to Colorado so I could drop off the rugrats with my sister so Wes and I could go to San Antonio for a week. We attended a conference where I got to learn that I should never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to leave, and always hold your drink in your left hand......I fail miserably at both of these! Never first one there but usually one of the last out the door!! Anyway, then I returned to CO for a few days then back to Boise for the 4th & Griffen's 11th birthday!! Returned to Oregon just in time to unpack, repack, shop for food and head out for a week camping trip with friends. So far this summer I have spent 2 1/2 weeks at home. I am a little behind in everything to say the least! We have 2 more trips coming in the next 3 weeks so the fast pace will continue. But we are having fun though so thats all that counts!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cutie Patootie

Four kid's and 4 dogs (one a puppy) for the weekend...I am tired but wanted to pass this one on...
On the way to church this morning Carsen asked me...

"What does it mean when you get BATH WASHED?"

Ummm...do you mean BAPTIZED??

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


So Monday of this week I started a fitness challenge with a friend of mine. She created it and I just have to follow it cardio, weights, etc..... Sounds great! Here's the drawback......she comes to my house at 5 a.m. Monday-Friday to start the day with a brisk 3 1/2 mile morning walk while carrying weights. For those of you who know me I am not even remotely a morning person....but I told her I would do this as long as she does not mind that I am grouchy! So we began on Monday and getting up at 4:50 a.m. kicked my butt! (yes I sleep in workout clothes in order to sleep in as much as possible!) (oh and BTW...Wes is gone so nobody cares what I am sleeping in!) Anyway, I ended up taking 2 naps that day, out of absolute neccesity! But, as much as I am surprised to admit it today is day 3 of doing this and I don't feel like I was hit by a truck. I don't think that I will ever be a morning person but I have to admit I like knowing that even if I did nothing else today I did walk 3-1/2 miles before anyone else in my house was even out of bed!

*Funny Quote of the Week*

"I need to brush my teeth again, they look golden and I'm not even a pirate!"