Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And the hits just keep on coming

So everyone knows the song 'Whole world in his hands' right? Well, here at our house when Carsen sings it we get a liiittle different version then I am sure you have heard in the past. It goes a little something like this:

"He's got the whole world in his hands, he's got the itchy, bitchy kids in his hands....."

Now in case it has been a while since you have heard the song the verse he was trying to sing actually goes like this:

"he's got the itty, bitty babies in his hands."

I just can't make this stuff up!


carey said...

now you've got this song in my head. i do like carsen's version. i'm sure God does have the itchy bitchy kids in his hands. he's cool like that.

Leslie said...

Don't you love blogging so you can share all these little, but highly amusing, stories with friends and family? I'm going to have to tell my Mom about this one...she'll love it!