Friday, January 30, 2009


Do you ever feel like you are off your game? Out of sorts? Not living up to expectations? I just reread the last couple of post and then went and read some from '06 and '07 and I like the old ones much better! Do all of you bloggers who read this ever feel the same way? I was actually serious about the posts that I have composed in my head this past month that never made it on here...they really seem great so I will now promise to you my few and faithful readers that I will make every effort to get them typed up and in here...don't give up on me yet!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe you should carry a tape recorder with you so you can record your thoughts then type them up. Not only will you remember your stories, everyone will think you are really important!

Leslie said...

I'm right there with you...blogging can be a major time suck, but it's worth the effort! I go in spurts, too. Hopefully we'll catch most of the good stuff, eh?

Karen said...

Yes. I'm right there with you.