Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Post for Karen!!

It's 2009...can you freakin believe that??? I did not make any resolutions. I figure that is just setting myself up for failure so why start the new year that way? How about you??

We did have a great Christmas break. I swear that G wore his pj pants almost the whole 2 weeks. We had beautiful white Christmas snow so we spent a lot of time out in it so his justification to not putting on "real" pants was.."my snow pants slip on easier over pajama pants" I figure he is probably right so I just let him go with it. I see multiple people wearing them about town anyway so maybe he is just in style right?

We did spend lots of time snowmobiling in the neighborhood....yes you read it correctly...we live in town and we got the snowmobiles out and tore up the neighborhood. Our good friends/neighbors that live around the corner got a 4 wheeler for Christmas so they were out with us too. The guys got on the snowboards and were pulled behind the sled and came up with a new sport that I think the dubbed "snurfing" It was pretty funny! And pretty redneck but hey it was too much fun to care what the other neighbors were thinking.

We also did lots of skating, movies, and plenty of Wii playing! It was a good break and hard to return to a normal schedule this past week but we did! So now we are back to hockey, basketball, cub scouts and school/work! When is Spring break??


Karen said...

Thank you!! Now your blog is back to PG! So glad you had a nice break, although I am soooooooo envious of your snow. Snurfing sounds like a blast!

Leslie said...

The snurfing sounds awesome :) I'm right there with Griffen...wearing my pj pants right now...although my reasoning has more to do with the elastic waist band and some Krispy Kreme donuts...