Thursday, January 29, 2009

So, So, Much.....

I have composed many, many posts in my head while driving, waking in the middle of the night, in the shower, making dinner etc.... but somehow they have not made it to this page so here are a few highlights that I can remember even though the ones in my head at the time were probably much, much better!!

It's been a weird seems like we have been busy but then I have also made it a point to not be overbooked. So that has left us with doing activities that are required but also a lot of just hanging around. I guess that is why it seems like it has been a long month.

Griffen has returned to basketball and although he really likes it he still needs lots of practice. His team played another team a couple Saturday's ago and by half-time (they don't keep score only baskets made) the other team had over 20 baskets to our teams 4....they were literally schooled! Even without a score on the board the whole team knew they had just attended a clinic.

Carsen is back in hockey and we have some good talks during the 25 minute drive out to the rink. One of them was inauguration day and he was talking about how he saw the 2 girls walking down the steps and how he would like to do that someday...then it morphed into how he wants to be President when he grows up so I tell him that if he wanted he could be someday and how being President is a lot of responsibility but that he could do it. So then he says, "Well maybe Dad could be President and I will just decorate the white house." ~Don't ask me I have no clue where that one came from.....

This past Tuesday as were were making the same trek out there we were listening to a book on cd and in the story the guy slips on the icy driveway and smacks his head and cuts it open. Nothing serious or graphic but Carsen being my kid ended up having to have me pull over so he could "almost" puke on the side of the road. Then he was going to refuse to get back into the car even though we were in sight of the rink and I told him that we would just go to the ice rink and he could walk around a little that he would feel better...(now mind you at this time I had not put together that the story had bothered him. I thought he was just a little car sick.) So FINALLY he gets into the car we get to the rink and he decides that he can skate so I tell him there is NO throwing up on the ice. If he thinks he is going to get sick he is to immediately get off the we get him geared up and he goes out there and does not even take the water break he is having so much fun. Then at the end of practice we are walking to the car and he says..."Hey Mom, I didn't throw up, not even a little in my mouth."

1 comment:

Karen said...

AGH! Why do boys have to be so graphic? The "not even a little in my mouth comment" set off my gag reflex. You'd think at this point in the game I'd be immune.

Glad you're back. You've been missed.