Monday, January 12, 2009

Here's one for the books...

Today after both boys were home from school and downstairs while I was upstairs folding laundry Carsen comes up and so frustrated says to me. "Griffen says that pissed off is a bad word." I look at him surprised and say "It is a bad word. Who said it?" he replies. "I did, I told Griffen that I was pissed off at him." then he breaks down crying and says.."I just didn't know it was a bad word." We did have a little talk about the fact that it was a bad word and he was not allowed to say it but he was more upset in just finding out that he had uttered a bad word without knowing it.


Karen said...

Oh, poor baby. He is so sweet, Rocky, I love that.

I recently apologized to Moose for some bad language in a book I recommended to him. His response?

"It's nothing compared to what I hear at school."

I'm dreaming of the days when pissed off was a bad word.

carey said...

i know. my boys still consider shut up and stupid to be bad words, but it's only a matter of time. the other day jace asked me what the F bomb meant because he read it on the inside of a slide...

Leslie said...

I found you again! I had lost my bookmarks, but I tracked you down through old blog comments. I've enjoyed catching up on your blog this morning! Your boys are so fun! I just love their one liners...

Sara's stampin cards said...

Your kids sound cute Rocky. Nice blog.