Monday, February 02, 2009

Small Town Foot In Mouth you know I live in a pretty small town. Approx. 20 thousand in the city limits, 40 combined city and county. It is much bigger then the town I grew up in with a populations of about 1000 but it is definitely small enough to do this....

I had to take G to the Dr. last week~thought it was possibly strep but tested negative~so we were called into the room and the physicians assistant comes in and I know that her husband works on base and I know the last name and she recognizes me and says "We have met before right?" I say, "Yes, your names M*****." She says uumm no...that's my husband EX WIFES name.

Oh umm.. I'm sorry see I actually knew that.....kind of knew the whole story because as small as this town is the base is smaller and is pretty much like Peyton Place...I was just the idiot who blurted out the wrong name! Nice huh!

1 comment:

carey said...

ARrrghhhh. At least it wasn't quite as bad as asking an un-pregnant woman when she's due, right?