Tuesday, April 29, 2008

19 to 2

Griffen's last baseball game was a tough one! They lost 19 to 2.....BUT fortunately he was not all that upset because one of the 2 runs that they scored was G-dog himself!! The other team had a very strong 10 year old pitcher who was striking every kid out 1-2-3....until G got up to bat and by his own choosing decided to BUNT! Well, it worked he bunted right down the 3rd baseline and made it on to first base!!! YAY... but that's not all he then decided to steal 2nd, and 3rd, and HOME!!!! He also felt the need to SLIDE into each stolen base so he not only came away with the run but he also has a huge strawberry wound up his back to show for it. We are all very proud!


carey said...


How in the heck did he steal home?

Atta boy.

Karen said...


Our Saturday game was so painful that I can't even write about it. I seriously considered anti-anxiety medication. I'm so glad to hear some happy bb news!!

Is G the same age as E??

Rocky said...

G's 9 years. He turns 10 this summer.

Stealing home...that's just how he rolls!

Karen said...

E will be 10 on Saturday. I can hardly believe it.

Karen said...

Happy Birthday, Rocky!!! I hope your days was PERFECT!