Sunday, April 20, 2008


Are there others out there that have odd things happen to them or just me?

We went up the military ball this past weekend and a friend of mine needed a massage to relieve back spasms so we just start calling places to see who could fit her in and I figured I would get something...mani? pedi?...something!! So, we found a spa that had an hour massage for her but the only thing for me was a spray tan. Well, I figured why not..right? Thinking that this would be like a booth that you stepped into and it sprayed you down and your good to go.

Well, not so much!! I stripped down and was in nothing but disposable little paper G-String panties and a shower cap (nothing else!!) and stood in a tent thingy where the only straight dude in the whole place came in and sprayed me by hand with an airbrush gun. And, not only did I stand there naked in front of one stranger BUT there was also one of the female hairdressers in there to monitor that nothing inappropriate was going on.

I take a deep breath and think....

"OK I can do this" "I CAN do this" Breathe,,,,breathe,,,stop your hands from shaking, your going to pass out if you don't breathe but, but....if I breathe I cannot suck in my stomach as much as possible...holy crap why???WHY??? "I CAN DO THIS!!!!!

I convince myself that it will be quick and there are only 2 people who I will never see again watching me stand here NAKED being SPRAY PAINTED....

"please let this be quick, please let this be quick, please, please, please......."

Well, it was relatively quick (not quick enough) but relatively quick unfortunately, not so fast to stop yet ANOTHER PERSON FROM KNOCKING ON THE DOOR AND COMING IN THE FREAKING ROOM WHILE I STAND THERE NAKED!!!!!!!!!

It was my friends massage therapist who was finished up and wanted to know if I wanted my friend to come in with me until I was done. ARE YOU BAGGING ME??? NO!!! I don't want my friend to come in here.....I don't want you in here....I no longer want to be in here but with half of my body spray painted I must now bite the bullet and let him finish....AARRRGGG!!

I have to say...I love the results but before I least to that spa....I would have to take a few shots of liquid courage!!!

So anyone else have these things happen or is it really just me??


carey said...

i bet wes had a big laugh over this. oh man. you are a brave woman. a brave BRONZE woman, but still.

i am usually the queen of having ridiculous things happen to me, but you just won the crown.

Karen said...


I second the crown!