Wednesday, April 02, 2008

My Next Little Einstein

Yesterday morning Carsen woke up and informed me that he is done with preschool and will be starting kindergarten prove this he counted to 150 for me and also told me that he was not doing the alphabet any longer because he was ready to move onto words. He also told me it was time I taught him how to read. He was so serious that when we got to school he also told the kindergarten teacher that he was coming to her class. She said he could if he could tell her what sound "CH" made because that was what they were working on today he then got shy and hid behind me but his current teacher told him she had some kindergarten work for him to do. So he came home with a word list to work on.

It looks like he is headed down the love of reading path where his brother and I walk often...

1 comment:

Karen said...

I read this earlier (under the influence of heavy medication) and wanted to comment but didn't have enough brain cells. I wanted to tell you the story of the Monkey learning to read. Every day in kindergarten he was sent home with a little book to read. Every day he would throw a fit, be sent to his room, sit there for a bit, get a swat on the butt, and THEN read me his book. Finally, just before Christmas, Moose said, "When are you going to figure out that you're going to read the book with or without the spanking? Just read the stupid book!" From that point, or nearly that point, the kid has loved reading. Let me tell you though, as someone who reads three books a week, I was terrified that my kid was going to hate reading and I almost couldn't bear the thought. So glad you won't have those worries!!