Thursday, April 10, 2008

Kissy Carsen

So a couple of night ago I was putting Carsen to bed. We went through the usual routine...prayer..hugs...tucking...kisses... now the last portion takes quite a bit of time because I believe he takes after 'Kissy Grandma' so picture lots and lots of kiss! Well, he had apparently decided to take it to the next level....he OPENS HIS MOUTH!!!!! and trys to give me a kiss. My immediate response was "WHOA...what are you doing????" He told me, "some people kiss like that. " I then tell him that only married people are supposed to kiss like that. He then gets a startled little look on his face and says, "oh, ok...please don't tell dad."


Karen said...

I am laughing so hard my nose hurts!

I had this exact same conversation with the Monkey, when he was four or five. I had totally forgotten!

carey said...

yep, josh and carsen are of the same mold. little man loves to kiss...a little concerned about the welfare of his six-year-old "girlfriend." i told him he has to have a driver's license to kiss girls...

he said, "oh, then you can kiss girls, right mom?"
