Sunday, May 04, 2008


Carsen got beat up at McDonalds....
Couple arguing loudly in the library tried to involve me....
4 Baseball Games, 1 soccer game, 1 cub scout meeting, book club meeting.....
Husband left for Vegas.....
It was my birthday.....
~I'm a little worn out! Hope it is not my age catching up with me!!~


Karen said...

How was the Day of Birth?

How was book club?

What book was that (the foot-binding one) again?

What's the new book?

Red Flag??

Rocky said...

Birthday was ok..celebrated the week prior so actual day not too exciting.
The book club we went to is actually for Griffen. It is through the public library here. They recently started it and he loves it in fact tonight I had a meeting so I pulled next months book and gave it to him. He finished it in the 2 hour time we were there. The one my club read last month was Snow Flower and the Secret Fan. This month is is Love in the time of Cholera...debating on if I want to read it..have you? Any thoughts?
Vegas~just for red air support. He will return on Friday.

carey said...

rock--happy belated birthday. you can't ever call yourself old when i am a year ahead of you!