Sunday, November 26, 2006

What Novembers Over!?!!?

Yikes, what happened. It was just Halloween and now the snow is falling, my gut is full of turkey and potatoes, our lights are up outside, the tree is up and ready to be glitzed out!
I have to apologize as it has been a little while since I have written anything here. Some of it is my fault but I being the average wife have to place some of the blame on my wonderful husband! Now don't get me wrong when he does stuff like I am about to explain it is intended to "improve" things, save money, better quality, etc. etc. etc... however his timing leaves a little to be desired! As we have already talked about it is that time of year and I am making a valiant effort to have all my elves in a row, do all the online shopping to take advantage of 'free shipping days' and be completely ready for Christmas prior to 14 Dec. when Wes and I leave for a 5 day trip to Las Vegas. (Now, I know you must be thinking who in their right mind goes to Las Vegas for a vacation the week prior to Christmas!!) Well, in our defense the dates were chosen for us as we are going to a graduation of a good friend down there. SO....that explains that, now back to the why I have been absent here and that is because Wes decided to change our whole network, cable, phonelines over to another company which then in turn caused us to have to order new modems (which took a week), spend more then a few hours reinstalling and re-entering the TIVO things and working out all the other bugs that come along with changing everything over. So that pretty much took up the rest of November now I am freaking out a little because I have very few days to shop, and I am hosting the annual MOMS Club ornament/cookie exchange. Then there are the holiday parties, book exchanges, Griffen and Carsen's school stuff and I have to find something to wear to everything!! OK, OK I know I am looking for sympathy and my guess is there is none to be had! So, my wish for each of us in these hectic days prior to Christmas is this.
I wish for time....time to smell the pine from your tree, time to catch snowflakes on your tongue, time to make a snowangel with a child, time to drive around looking at lights, time to help someone less fortunate, time for your family and for your friends, time to read the Christmas story to you kids, time to decorate cookies, just time...... Take the time, make the time whatever it takes to truely celebrate this wonderful season!


carey said...

You are the coolest cousin ever. I wish I had more TIME to spend with you and your family. I'm so thankful for this blog, it allows me to peek in on your life anytime I miss you. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to our TIME together on that Vegas party bus!!! Can't wait to see you & Pappy!