Thursday, November 09, 2006


I have arrived at the point of parenting where what I am wearing is an embarrassment to my child! I volunteer at Griffen's school every Thursday. So this morning I am there from 8:45 until 11:20 a.m. and about half way into the morning I have already tested the kids for their reading, given the whole class a spelling test and helped them grade each others papers. Now, I am standing at the front of the class listening to the teacher explain the next project when I just happen to glance at Griffen and he is looking me over from head to toe with an expression like he just caught a whiff of a porta-potty and whispers to me. "WHY are you wearing THAT!" "I don't like it." and then he looks away.
I am speechless... IT'S NOT LIKE I AM DRESSED LIKE A HOOTCHI MAMA!! It's a long, denim skirt with a brown V neck sweater and mid-calf high boots. So there it is...according to my 8 year old I am not the cool, hip mom I thought I was!

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