Monday, December 04, 2006


Saturday night was our Christmas party so we got all dressed up and went out for the night. We started at the base for the annual dinner/dancing, then on to the officers club for further cocktails and fun. Then around midnight we made plans to meet some people down at the local dance club here. Yes, we actually have one. So, we catch our ride down there and get inside. Now, within about 10 minutes my husband has left me to my own devices and gone off to secure a drink when a very tall guy dressed in his Army uniform comes up to me and I quote says, "You are really hot for an older chick." ARE YOU BAGGING ME!! Now tell me how do you respond to a comment of this nature. Some have said it's a compliment, I say when in the hell did I become an older chick??!?!??


carey said...

at your age, you take what you can get. hahhahaha. just kidding. :) after all, i am your OLDER cousin. ouch.

Anonymous said...

If he was wearing his army uniform out in a bar in the middle of the night, I'm guessing he was all of 18? And remember, at age 18, anyone over 22 is basically over the hill. I remember when 30 was old. Boy, was I wrong! "Old" is officially at least 20 years older than my current age. So, he thinks you're hot, and you know you're eternally young! Sounds good to me :)