Thursday, October 26, 2006

It's a flood!

Ok, I am seeing a theme of my life here in these pages. You would think that I would have more to write about then poop and the bathroom but, you would be wrong! So here I go with yet another bathroom story to enliven your day.
I was busy chatting with a friend on the phone this afternoon when Carsen yelled at me from the other room. Now knowing the tone of his voice it did not seem like an emergency and being on the phone I chose ignore the initial call. ---Along with the 2nd call--- that seemed a little more stressed but still not enough to get me off the couch. THEN...there came the blood curdling scream "MOOMMMM"... which vaulted me from my phone haze and I ran around the corner to be met with a torrent of water running down the hallway..Subconsciously I think I knew that it was probably toilet water because I hesitated for just a split second before plunging through the stream when I heard Carsen scream again. I get to the bathroom and see him pressed so far up against the wall to avoid the water (which he thinks is just pee) that he has almost levitating. A strange noise is coming out of him because to his horror he is wet from "pee" from about midshin down. To include his favorite "Joshy" sandals. Now thinking on my feet I quickly turn the valve off to stop the flow and grab my traumatized child from the bathroom where the water is deep and place him in the hallway where it is only shallow. He does his best to try and scale the side of me to avoid getting any further "pee" on himself. I finally get him to the dry island called the laundry room where he continues on in shock. The rest of the story consists of large beach towels and lots of disinfectant for us all! So this brings my total up to 3 bathroom stories in approximately a week. Maybe three's a charm...or maybe not....because after all tomorrow is another day.

1 comment:

carey said...

and to think all i have to complain about in the bathroom area are three boys who constantly pee on the seat. and the floor. and the lid. and the wall.

you got me beat. i'll take a pee lid over a hallway flood any day.