Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Breaking the ice...

Ok so this is it. I am a blogger now. So I am going to jump right in with a poop story since it happened while I was setting this thing up. My youngest Carsen calls to me from the bathroom where he had disappeared about 10 minutes before yelling "bathroom, bathroom, bathroom" now knowing how he likes his privacy in these matters and it is not unusual for him to be in there that long I had no worries right up until the point that he opens the door and says, "little help in here" Well, after I took a deep breath knowing that it was not going to be a pleasant sight to come upon I proceeded to the door. Well, he had made it to the toilet in time but had not left enough time to put the seat down before he sitting therefore it was brown, brown all around. And there he was with his little pant around his ankles the vanilla air freshener in one hand and his socks in the other. To his credit he was trying to clean everything up with these two items. When that was not working he wisely decided to call in back up. He told me that he couldn't get it clean but it "smells good" So it is situations like these that I am learning to "respond to the situation instead of react to the situation." (tip from a parenting lecture my husband and I attended last week.) Sure I had to scrub the whole bathroom and my child but on the bright side it gave me a story to break the ice and welcome you to a slice of my life.


carey said...

aww, man. there's nothing fun about poop stories. but it did make me laugh. mostly because it wasn't me :)
welcome to blog land. i can't wait to read more stories and keep in better touch with ya. there's a whole little blog world out here, you can click on anyone's comments and go to their blog. it's like reality tv without the tv.

carey said...

you can also attach pictures pretty easy...