Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Livin in a boys world

You know, you think that you have it all figured out with the first kid. You will have all the answers at the ready when asked etc.etc. ..right up until the 3 year old walks in on you in the bathroom and poses the question, "Where does your pee come from?" So with my tried and true stalling style I respond, "What do you mean?" He then continues with, "Does pee come from your willy?" I then explain that "Girls don't have willy's" Hoping that this will cover it and he will move onto something else but nooooo... he then says, "Does it come from your wiener?" OH GREAT!! Now I am laughing and still not really wanting to go into any details or teach him any new words because the only thing I can think of at that moment is that one movie with the little boy that stands up in class and says "Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina." fortunately, I dodged any further bullets by placing his Batman soup in front of him. Thank goodness I bought the batman soup and not just plain noodle soup!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is too funny! I am totally speechless. Just laughing.