Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Fashion statement or victim???

So how do you tell your 8 year old that what he has chosen to wear to school is...shall we say, not cool... without hurting his self esteem/feeling etc..? Today it was a camo sweatshirt with only one black glove on. When I asked if he wanted the other his reply was "No I don't need it." REALLY You don't need it? "No really I don't need it." OK! So off I send him on his way to the bus hoping that he does not spin around and moon walk to the corner. Up until now he has not cared about what he wears therefore I have picked out everything however those days seem to be coming to an end as he is now exerting his independence on the issue. His favorite things to wear seem to be camo and his favorite color is hunters orange. I think he gets his style from his dad! It took me about 7 years and some help from my friends to make Wes realize that his favorite shirt was not the fashion statement that he thought.


carey said...

i'm right there with you. josh has been into his version of fashion for over a year now...he changes clothes about 10 times a day. last year he would only wear his red sweatpants. every day. every night. he'd even get up at 3am to get them out of the dryer. this summer it was his spider man shirt. now he's all about his "fire" hat. a stocking hat with flames on it. i think our best bet at survival is to covertly THROW AWAY the items that make us cringe and replace them with cool stuff. of course, jamie still digs in the trash to save his 20 year old high school t-shirts...

so yeah. i guess we're screwed.

Anonymous said...

Commenting on your original post, the poop story is very scary! We're still dealing with the mustard squirts, and I'm ok with that. I'm terrified of the day when they turn brown and start to smell like Daddy's. Hopefully I'll grow into Supermom like you so I can bravely enter the bathroom to help out? And you have to give him credit for grabbing the air kid!

One glove, eh? Isn't it cold there? I'm having so much fun dressing Michael these days...sad to hear that he will eventually exert his own little personality over his wardrobe, but it'll be fun to see all of his fashion mistakes. Daddy will be proud, son of ours will be metrosexual! Ha! Given Paul's and my "great" fashion sense, I don't think we have anything to worry about. Oh, if he does start to moonwalk, you totally have to get that on video! I'm assuming this was Griffin?