Friday, September 19, 2008

%^&&*&^#$* Running

So, as i am headed to my spin class the other morning the husband says (he is flying nights) "why don't you go for a run with me instead?"

uumm...ok.... I guess I could do that.... so away we go....

I would like to say that we jogged side by side, enjoying each others company, got a good workout, etc. but, I just can't lie to you. I SUCK! Seriously, running is so not my sport. You people who love to run are INSANE!! ~Carey~Karen~Alexis~you know who you are! I literaly thought my throat was going to close up and my lungs were going to explode!! The thing that I can't stand the most is it is not my body, my legs are not tired, I am wearing 2 sports bras to contain the girls, everything feels great except my breathing. I get to a point that if I don't stop running and just walk I may pass out right there on the trail. Not good!

We did figure out a way that worked out and plan to do that again in the future. We run together until I can no longer take it then he sprints off a ways comes back and when he gets back to me we take off running together again. We both got a good interval workout but since it was due to the fact that I am such a LLLLOOOSER in the running dept. i'm not sure how i feel about it!


Karen said...

Twins. Separated at birth. I swear.

I HATE running. It's just a means to an end. I run with the hubby and Moose in EXACTLY the way you just described. I try to focus on thanking God that I can run, and not on the fact that I suck, suck, suck.

You are not alone.

Rocky said...

Karen~I thought your were one of the ones who LOVED it! Too bad you are on the other side of the nation sounds like we would be ideal running partners.

Karen said...

We would get all ready and then look at each other and decide that we should go to Starbucks instead...and then Carey would come over, all skinny and sweaty and high on endorphins and guilt us into running, which we would do, but which wouldn't be much fun because we would be so busy gasping for air that we couldn't have a conversation.

carey said...

You guys are geeks. First of all, I don't love running either. It's hard. But at the END of the run, I feel good. Sometimes in the middle. Never at the beginning. And I would rather eat rocks than run with the husband.
Running is to be done with music, possibly a dog, and at your own pace.

Karen said...
