Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Birthday??? Christmas??? What???

So, Carsen has been saying some odd things these past couple of days and finally today I caught on to what is going on in that little brain of his. He has been really talking about Halloween and planning his birthday (November) Telling me what theme, who is invited~who is not~(Sarah because she currently has a cold), what he wants. Asking if daddy will be home for Christmas.....(from his current 2 week trip) you get it. Basically, everything that happens in the winter months around here. FINALLY, today I asked him why he is planning all this stuff and his reply to me was.....

"You said it seems like it is going to be an early winter!"
Opps...I guess I did say that!

1 comment:

Karen said...

OMGosh. Hilarious. I love how their little minds work.