Tuesday, September 02, 2008

5th Grade


It's the first day of 5th Grade!! I am not sure why it is bothering me except I remember 5th grade. Not bits and pieces like I remember k-4th but I actually remember... my teachers, Krissy and Kimberly my bestest 5th grade friends, my first dance...I even remember the song!! total eclipse of the heart. I guess it is all of these things and now thinking I have a 5th grader. WOW~my prayer last night involved a little of "please God don't let the next 8 years go by too fast" because the past 10 have flown by.


pheather said...

He looks so grown up! I hope he had a good day - I prayed about it!
Love, Heather

carey said...

at least he looks stylin' for his first day of school. i am thinking of you guys today, hope G has a great first day.

Unknown said...

He is so grown up anymore, where has the time gone? That young man crossed my mind several times today, hope all went well. And I love the cap.. Curt will be so proud!


Karen said...

I KNOW!!!!!!!

Pappy said...

Gosh I don't even recognize him except for the hat. Can't wait to get home.

Unknown said...

I am glad that he still likes his hat from Uncle Curt. How cute is he. We love all of you guys and cant wait to see you. Love Brandy