Tuesday, September 09, 2008

1st day of Kindergarten

And so it begins....Monday was Carsen's first day of Kindergarten! He was so excited and I managed to make it through without a single tear!! Weird how I cried over the 5th grader but not the kindergartener!!

He is a smart little guy already and Wes once again tried to use one of his "quotes" on one of our boys with this result.....
Carsen spilled a soda in my car and started bawling...
Wes: Well it's done there is no use crying over spilled milk..
Carsen: "It wasn't MILK!!!"


Karen said...

He looks so big!

Gosh, aren't you glad you have boys? I wouldn't have the slightest clue what to do with that girl.

carey said...

i can't believe you guys are just starting school. my dudes have been in for a month already.

so...no kids all day. are you going to be lonely?

Rocky said...

Carsen is actually still only 3 hrs a day. He goes from 8:30 to 11:30 so my goals have have been to go to the gym, shower and any other task that I need to get done..hair appts. store etc. But mostly I make it to the gym and shower~that's it!

Unknown said...

Carsen has really grown since the last time I saw him. He is quite the young man! Glad you posted both of the boys "first" day...