Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Amish Friendship Bread

So a friend of mine gave me the "starter" for this Amish Friendship bread. The deal is it comes in a ziploc "starter" that you don't know exactly what is in it as it is a "secret" but you are required to squish it around for so many day (it comes with directions) and then on day 5 or whatever you are supposed to add milk, flour, etc...and then continue to squish it around for another few days then add a whole bunch of stuff and divide it up to pass on to other friends plus bake one to eat and then start your process over so you will be baking every 10 days and passing out "starters" every 10 days....Oh and you do not refrigerate this starter stuff. Sounds fine right.

Well, apparently I was not meant to be Amish because I CANNOT do it..... I received this on Friday and have squished it around every day since only to have my gag reflex tested every single time. I finally threw it away this morning because I seriously could not face almost throwing up for the 4th day in a row. My family has found quite a bit of humor in it you know....

"Hey everyone, Mom is about to squish the white, foamy, fermented stuff again....come watch!!!It's hilarious! I bet $5.00 that she actually vomits today!!!"


Karen said...

THAT is a serious gag reflex. How on earth do you handle little boy puke?

I've done that bread before. You're really not missing out on much. It's fun the first few times, and then it becomes this obligation you're saddled with, like drinking 8 glasses of water a day, or waxing your eyebrows. I finally put mine in the freezer (I was told that the day you take it out is Day One) and conveniently forgot about it until we were moving out of the country and it had to be thrown away. Just think of all the steps you saved by throwing it out now!

carey said...

i had some of this too...and on day 7 the dog got ahold of the bag and ate the whole thing--bag and all. needless to say, she had the runs. not good.