Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, I went to pick up Carsen at school today and a mom of one of the little girls told me this little story.......

Her daughter is big into the cheerleading movies, and cheering they were doing little chants together. She would say a chant then mom would repeat the chant. One of the chants that she came up with went like this:

Carsen is a hottie!!!
Carsen is a hottie!!!

Her mom said...I am not saying that!!

Ummm..oh my gosh my 5 year old is a HOTTIE....His dad is pretty proud.....I am a little disturbed to think that there are little girls out thinking of my kiddo this way!! She is a cute little girl so I guess it's all good....

1 comment:

carey said...

You just keep that hottie away from the girls. He's going to be a heartbreaker.