Thursday, February 07, 2008


Ok, so we had been thinking about and finally decided to change churches. It is for various reasons..

1. The congragation is very elderly. ~There's nothing wrong with that but when I say elderly, most of them did not remember us from Sunday to Sunday...litereally, one guy introduced himself to us 3 Sunday's in a row in December and we had the EXACT same conversation
~"Is this your first time here?"
~No we have been coming here for around 5 years now!"

2. There is one singer that each Sunday was like someone dragging thier nails up a chalk board for Wes. Oh, by the way, she was also the head singer and the loudest~ He would walk out of there irritated every time.

3. Griffen did NOT enjoy the kids programs at all. Every Sunday it was like a war to get him out the door because he did not want to go so badly. Which in turn made Sunday morning into me yelling at my family to get a move on because I may be about 15 min. late to a lot of things and am fine with that but I cannot stand to be late to church...

So there are a few of the reasons we had been discussing it. So starting with the Christmas Eve service we tried another church. Well, the music was great, we enjoyed the Pastor's words, the congragation was much more our age group and the kids LOVED the children's church. So that's all great here's my guilt. The Pastor at the church we are leaving is REALLY nice and Carsen still goes to the preschool there and everytime he sees me he is SOOO friendly and nice and always asks about Wes..etc.. Well I now feel like I owe him an explaination. What exactly would that be because there is no way I am lying to a Pastor, even a little white lie. So I imagine the conversation going a little something like this...

Pastor: Hi, Rocky How are you and the family?
Me: Oh, hello Pastor, we are doing really well. Thanks!
Pastor: So I have noticed that we have not seen you in church recently. Is everything Ok.
Me: Sure, things are great we have been going to a different church.
Pastor: Oh, well may I ask why?
Me: Sure, you congagation is too old and you know the head singer makes my husband want to stab sharp objects into his ears. Thanks for asking thought!!!!


carey said...


not an easy one. can you just pop in from time to time until little man goes to school and then just cut the cord?

or, you could just hide everytime you see him. either way.

Anonymous said...

there is nothing wrong with changing churches... most people do it, for many different reasons and you should not feel guilty about it. Just be honest and tell him that the lord has lead your family to another church for spiritial growth. mom