Saturday, February 09, 2008


Random thought of things that bring me happiness.....
my boys, all 3 of them.
warm summer sun on my face.
the smell of fresh cut grass.
a loving husband.
good friends.
boys laughter.
carsen's faith.
griffen taking my hand to hold.
the first day of school.
the last day of school.
snow days.
my ipod.
new gadgets.
cold beer on a hot day.
great books.
good chick flicks.
fuzzy pj's.
cute purse's.
rediscovering tennis.
having the fun house.
sleeping in.
grandma's breakfast.
having 4 seasons.
being asked to "snuggle me".
pumpkin spice lattes.
going home.
phone calls.
singing along with the radio.
listening to my kids sing along with me.
newly washed sheets on my bed.
haircut day.
carsen still holding onto some toddler speak.
seeing the big brother hug the little brother and the joy it brings the little one.
you, for taking a couple minutes to be interested in my little life!


carey said...

I love this post. You are the goods. Will you please move to South Dakota?????

Rocky said...

Hey we have lots of homes for sale out's a buyers market..maybe you guys come this way?? We have hockey AND Lakes so covered for winter and summer!
much love to you!