Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Living the life of an Air Force wife I am very proud of my husband as are my children and all of their friends who think that every jet that flys through the sky is Pappy and wave to him daily.

But, living the life of an Air Force wife also brings trips or TDY's as we call them or deployments for some. They are the times when he is away from home doing his job. And in case any military wife ever has any doubt that he is gone TDY/deployed these things always help to remind:

The most used toilet in the house breaks.
The light bulbs that need the extension ladder to change blow out.
The microwave blows up.
I get sick as do my children.
It snows...alot.
The T.V. breaks (it takes 2 people to carry it to the vehicle to take to the repair shop.)
The animals get sick and require veterinary assistance.
It is time to move households.
Unexpected visits to the Dr. or worse the E.R.

This is the short list.......

1 comment:

carey said...

rocky, if you would just move next door to us you could borrow my husband any time for um...almost anything :)