Thursday, December 21, 2006

Leaving Las Vegas

Well, we made it back all in one, exhausted piece! It was a decent trip to Vegas, saw good friends, stayed out until anywhere between 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. four nights in a row. Only lost a little money, shopped, ate, saw a comedy show, danced with a bad Santa..... that pretty much sums up the Vegas trip.
Now we are back and I am sssoooo behind on the whole Christmas thing. I even got up at 4:00 a.m. to make a blanket for Griffen because that is the only time (I thought) when he would not catch me making it. Well, I was wrong. There I was sitting on the living room floor tying fleece ends together to make a fringe on a star wars blanket and I hear a funny noise in the hallway. To be honest my pulse quickened a bit because nobody else in my house would be insane enough to be up at that time so I get that "theres someone in the house" creepy feeling and just stare in the direction of it (because I watch scary movies and you NEVER go towards the creepy sound) right up until Griffen rounds the corner and I have to jump up to prevent him from seeing what I am doing. I did manage to finish it and wrap it prior to going back to bed for a couple of precious hours of sleep before we headed off to Redding, CA for Griffen's eye dr. appointment and a little more Christmas shopping which turned up nothing so I am still on the search for a couple of gifts for the kids and Wes. Wish me luck!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are soooooo Super Mom to give up precious hours of sleep to make your little boy happy on Christmas morning! Go Mom!!!!