Tuesday, December 05, 2006


On Sunday our base had the Children's Christmas party. The hanger is all decorated and we have craft tables, cookie decorating tables, and many games and fun things for the kiddies. Each year one of our pilots is chosen to fly to the North Pole and retrieve Santa for this special occasion. Well, this year it was our very own Pappy! So, we were out there waiting for the arrival (which I forgot my camera of course!) and all the kids are lined up watching and waiting and here comes the jet with Santa in the back seat and after the engines shut down you could hear various kids yelling "THERE'S SANTA!" very excitedly. All but one little blonde headed boy who was yelling "THAT'S MY DAD!!!!"
Now, Santa climbs out of the jet and the kids follow him right into the hanger so they can sit on his lap and whisper all their Christmas wishes in his ear. EXCEPT ONE....who steps up to the red line and waits for his daddy to meet him on the other side and they walk hand in hand into a totally different building together. (Heart melting sigh)
Then there is Griffen who ditches me as soon as we get there for his best friend and I managed to see him all of 2 times for the next 3 hours that we were there. I finally had to stick my cell phone in his pocket so I could easily track him down!
In case you are wondering I also did my part at the party. I worked at the craft table passing out bags with stickers for decorating. It is the second year that I have worked at that table and I am very happy there as opposed to the cookie decorating table.....for anyone who may not know I gross out VERY easily. So much so that even after Halloween I was cleaning off the front step from the candy that had been strewn out there and happened to pick up a tootsie roll that was still in the wrapper but had melted and oozed out onto my hand. I literally hurled. No matter how much I told myself that it was just melted chocolate it completely grossed me out! So, there is no way I am working the cookie decorating table....kids, frosting, licking of the frosting, smearing shared licked frosting on cookies for eating. No Thank You!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i know you are on vacation, but this is a great story. i bet your dudes are as excited as mine...happy holidays! we love you.