Thursday, May 29, 2008

Scientific Questions

Carsen: "If I drop fire ant into water do they sizzle?"

Sunday, May 25, 2008

We all just wanna be big rockstars...

"Hey I didn't know Uncle Vern was a guitarist."

~Griffen's words while watching David Cook sing with ZZ Top on the final episode of American Idol last week.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I have other things to write about from this past week but I am currently pushing being late for a school fieldtrip so I just have to pass on this little nugget from 2 minutes ago....

Carsen steps out of the bathroom and I tell him go wash your hands.
His reply to me:

"This time I did not stick my fingers in my butt."
Like that makes a difference!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Oh Happy Day...

In honor of Mother's Day I thought I would post one of my favorite quotes.

"Making the decision to have a child--It's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."

Quote by Elizabeth Stone

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Overheard Conversations...

G had a baseball game today and in the bleachers where I was sitting was also a family whose son is on the same team. Well, they had the parents, a couple sets of grandparents, and looked like a couple cousins get the picture it was a lot of family support for the kid. Who is the catcher on our team. So, as we are watching the game and they are playing against one of the toughest teams in our league the mom is cheering and saying things to the son on several occasions..."Get behind the ball." "Move your body" etc.. then when he is up to bat there is a lot of bench coaching going on also. Nothing bad just a lot of "advice". Then at one point she says, "I will get you something if you get a hit." To which almost immediately one of the grandma's says. "How about less advice?"

I laughed out loud at that one.

As for the game. We lost 24 to 12. But Griffen got to pitch which is what he has been dying to do all season. I was shocked that the coach put him in to pitch because as much as I love the little guy he just does not have the pitching arm...maybe someday but not currently! But, I do love that the coach, even though we were playing such a tough team put him in there to give it a try! We are really fortunate to have a coach that puts the priority on the kids and having them enjoy the game and not just be 'in it to win it.' Plus, he really knows his stuff so they are learning a lot from him too.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Drugs are bad..

Today Carsen and I were driving and he say's to me "Some people smoke in their cars."

Me: Yes, some people do smoke in their cars. But we don't smoke at all.

C: Yeah, and if someone tries to give me drugs I say No thanks, I'm already cool enough. And then I walk away and the police will come and get them.

Wow..uummm..we have not even had the drug talk with our 5 year old but it sounds like he may have it down! I really loved the "I'm already cool enough" part.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Amish Friendship Bread

So a friend of mine gave me the "starter" for this Amish Friendship bread. The deal is it comes in a ziploc "starter" that you don't know exactly what is in it as it is a "secret" but you are required to squish it around for so many day (it comes with directions) and then on day 5 or whatever you are supposed to add milk, flour, etc...and then continue to squish it around for another few days then add a whole bunch of stuff and divide it up to pass on to other friends plus bake one to eat and then start your process over so you will be baking every 10 days and passing out "starters" every 10 days....Oh and you do not refrigerate this starter stuff. Sounds fine right.

Well, apparently I was not meant to be Amish because I CANNOT do it..... I received this on Friday and have squished it around every day since only to have my gag reflex tested every single time. I finally threw it away this morning because I seriously could not face almost throwing up for the 4th day in a row. My family has found quite a bit of humor in it you know....

"Hey everyone, Mom is about to squish the white, foamy, fermented stuff again....come watch!!!It's hilarious! I bet $5.00 that she actually vomits today!!!"

Sunday, May 04, 2008


Carsen got beat up at McDonalds....
Couple arguing loudly in the library tried to involve me....
4 Baseball Games, 1 soccer game, 1 cub scout meeting, book club meeting.....
Husband left for Vegas.....
It was my birthday.....
~I'm a little worn out! Hope it is not my age catching up with me!!~