Wednesday, March 19, 2008


OK it is only Wednesday and here is what has went down already this week....

MONDAY~ This might be TMI but don't care I am telling anyway. I finally went to in for my "girl" appointment. So, I change into my little paper gown which really there is almost no point in having it but at least it is something right? And the Dr. comes in and we are chatting and then she starts the exam you know...lay back, scooch down to the end of the table and put your feet in the nice little she does the first part of the exam, and we are still having a conversation about kids, school, etc... and then she stop's mid exam to continue our just to paint the picture I am STILL laying on the table with my knees WIDE OPEN and my goodies fully exposed as she is standing in between my legs, rubber gloves, juuuust talkin to me....I don't even remember what she was saying at that point because all I could think was "please finish....please's getting a little breezy down there in rio...."

TUESDAY~Cub Scout day for Griffen. Most know that I am the Den leader for his group and I have heard crazy stories about parents freaking out at things but this is the first time that I have seen it first hand. It was Pinewood Derby night. (For those that don't know the boys built little cars out of a wooden block and then they race them.) So our whole pack is there and one of the dads is one of our pack leaders so he was the go to person for the derby. Well part way through the event a couple of parents questioned something and he seriously LOST HIS MIND....started yelling and cussing and generally was extremely aggitated. Well, you know me I can't be like everyone else and let him rant and rave. I have to tell him that he has no business cussing and behaving like that in front of our kids and also proceeded to inform him that he was acting like a 4 year old and throwing a fit was no way to behave like a role model for the boys....he continues to yell, cuss, throw a chair and say that he wanted to punch someones head off. I then tell him I am done with him and he needs to leave. He did leave with a few more choice words and told me that I could do everything from now on to which I replied "Fine, I will." I am not sure what I have gotten myself into but at least I know that I will NEVER behave that way in front of my kids or anyone elses at any scouting event....EVER!!!

WEDNESDAY~ Today is the 2nd day in a row that Griffen has gotten a RED card which means that he must call home and tell me how awful they think he honestly, he has had to call 3 or 4 times this year for as far as I am concerned really trivial things. Like no kidding last year he had to call home because he was talking in the yesterday the call was because he was running in the hallway....seriously....SERIOUSLY. Today he had to call home because he said the teacher was going over a problem and on the paper it had a "+" and the teacher said it was a "-" so of course Griffen being the kid that he is he corrected the teacher. Well, needless to say that did not go over well at all and he got a RED card and send off to call me and tell me yet again how horrible he is.....then he comes home with a homework assignment to answer these following questions....

1. Why should you follow directions when given to you by an adult?
2. Why is it necessary for you to always try to correct other peoples statements when others don't treat you this way?

I don't really have a problem with him having to answer these questions but, it is also time to admit that once again Griffen's teachers have reached the end of their patience and the rest of our year will most likely suck...SO GLAD it is SPRING BREAK!! Our last good year was Kindergarten. He is now in 4th grade. I just wish that the teachers he has would understand that it is just his personality. He is a bright kid who needs things to be a specific way. He sees things in a very black and white way and has no problem questioning authority when he does not understand or believes that authority to be wrong. He lives outside of the box of what the school deems normal. Anyway, tonight we are going in to talk to the teacher...should be fun!! Again, SO GLAD it is SPRING BREAK!! Six Flags here we come!!!


Karen said...

I KNEW there was a reason I liked you, woman! You, my friend, have just experienced a Karen Week. Aaahhh, forgive me for laughing my butt off and for being just the tiniest bit glad that I'm not alone.

As far as Griffin goes, just keep telling yourself that one day he will RULE THE WORLD, and when he does, all of his teachers will come and grovel at your feet. He sounds like a great kid, keep up the good work.

Thanks for your comment, you made me cry! :-)

carey said...

rocky, grif is so lucky to have a mom who understands him and supports him, rather than jumping on board with the teachers all the time. griffin, like all of us, just needs to be told he's ok and that there are people out there who love him, no matter what. which is why he has you. lucky boy.

ps: you and karen would totally love each other. we need to plan a girl's getaway someday...