Thursday, April 23, 2009

Running G

I have a runner on my hands!! I am very proud of G as he has now run 2 ~ 5K races. He has finished in approx. 34 minutes each time. He had decided that he did not want to take a spring sport that was offered so we are just signing him up for races. Wes has been running with him so that is good because I am not sure I could keep up with him. He already told me that I am slow! I will be in need of someone to run the next 5K with him in a few weeks as Wes will be gone for the month starting the first week in May and the next race is May 9th! Any takers???


carey said...

you can do it! i know you can. if nothing else, he'll feel good knowing he beat his mom ;)

Karen said...

Oh, hey! There you are! Congrats to your running G, and condolences to you. I am very familiar with being the slowest member of the family. Just remind them who makes dinner when they give you crap about it.