Sunday, March 29, 2009

Blogging Sabatical

I have been on a blog sabbatical...I think...or as Karen said I have needed a swat team to come in for the rescue!! ACTUALLY..I needed saving from playing Word Play on FB in my free time. Seriously, I have been in a bit of a competition with a couple of people on there. It is so bad that I have had to not play in the evenings because I can't go to sleep because of the 3 and 4 letter words flying though my head! I have been so bad that I have not even read blogs let alone write on mine!!

We had some good stuff happen this past month eerrr...2 months! Griffen completed cub scouts and earned his Arrow of light badge. That was pretty cool. He also is at the end of his second season on basketball and in the first season he got the award for the most improved player!

Carsen finished up hockey and is now signed up for baseball. He can't wait to get started on that! I am also so excited to begin going to games and practice in the freezing snow/rain/wind! (Yes~run that last line through your head dripping in sarcasm!)

We just got back from a Spring Break trip that I will post pics and stories about in a separate post...i promise!

I do have a favorite quote from each boy from this past 2 months....

Griffen: "Mom what year were you born?"
Me: "In the 70's"
G: When was dad born?"
Me: "In the 60's."
G: "So that means that Dad was a hippie and you had disco ball hair?"
I had made popcorn one night while we were on vacation and Carsen threw Griffen's blanket down on the floor and a small kernel of it flew out from the blanket and Carsen yells...
"Look blankie just lost his first tooth!!"


Karen said...

Dude, I don't even know what the FB word game is. PLEASE don't tell me, I can't waste one more precious minute over there. I am glad you're back, new addictions and all. I missed your disco ball hair. :-)

carey said...

he he. your dudes slay me.

glad you are back, i'll take what i can get.

now i need to go get off this thing and save josh from shark week. not good.

carey said...

are you on another sabbatical? :)