Monday, February 02, 2009

It's all coming back to me now....

Totally did this one in my head...even had to go and check that I did not previously post this!

It was about 2 weeks ago and I get a phone call from G's school saying that he had an accident on the playground and is dizzy and I should come down there. So I arrive approx. 10 mins later at his school and go straight into the office to find G in there with an icepack on his head, the school secretary, the recess attendant, and 2 little girls looking at him. My first question was "what happened?" G replies, "I ran into the tetherball poll." I could not help myself....I laughed..right up until the recess attendant who witnessed the whole thing gave me an admonishing look and says it knocked him off his feet!

I then decide to just take him home as he has a very large goose egg on the left side of his forehead, his jaw on the same side hurts and also his knee. We go out to the car and I say "Geez Griffen it sounds like if someone had been shooting some video we might have been $10,000 winners"..(because pain is funny right?) He informed me that it was not funny at all! Which I knew that give it a few days when the pain subsided surely he would find the humor.

Well, I was correct it took about 5 days and we are sitting at dinner and he bumps the spot that is still sore on his head and the laughs a little. I ask him whats funny and he NOW thinks its funny that he ran smack dab into a pole. That was all I was waiting for. The laughter that I had swallowed back and held onto until he was ready unleashed and all of us cracked up laughing for what felt like 10 minutes long. You know that great kind of laugh where you snort, almost pee your pants, double over, can't breathe, stomach hurts! It was that kind. I love that laugh!


Leslie said...

Well, geez, recess attendant, how can you not laugh? Running smack into a pole is funny! I'm glad Griffen recovered enough to see the humor in it :)

Karen said...

Oh, Rocky. How many times can I comment that we are sisters separated at birth before it gets old? I'm sorry for Griffen, but I'm laughing because I could tell a nearly identical story about the Monkey!

carey said...

No. You, me AND Karen are all at least cousins, if not sisters. :)
I love this story so much. Kiss the goose egg for me.