Thursday, October 16, 2008

October's Digest....

Wow, did not realize that it was Oct. 1st the last time I wrote...let's see we have had a couple of things going on..

1. "Lost in Translation"~ Carsen was talking to Wes' dad on speaker phone and this is how it played out.
Grandpa: "What are you doing today?"
Carsen:"Going to work with my dad to play my DS."
Grandpa: "Just being a general pain in the ass?"
~Wes and I were listening and both of us almost peed our pants laughing!~

2. Realized that we may need to stop thinking that it is "cute" when Carsen says "Mank you" instead of "Thank you" and start encouraging him to say it correctly as he actually has a hard time with the "th", "L" and "Sw" sounds....great parenting huh!

3. Flew in the "Vomit Comet" again down to Travis A.F.B. for a graduation then on to Vegas for a friends fun 40th birthday celebration.

4. On the plane ride there we hit a GIGANTIC air bump that caused me to slam my head into the roof of the airplane...when we landed Wes says "Wow that was a big one...I have only hit about 10 of those my whole life." My reply: "Lucky me 2~~YES TWO!~~of those have been with me in the freakin plane with him!! YEA!!!

5. Am giving running a try again...I managed 2 miles yesterday~with the Ipod and at my own pace. Felt....OK! Didn't have to stop once and managed to lap an old couple!

So, there is the readers digest version of the month so far.


carey said...

love it, love it. thanks for posting i miss you!!

Karen said...

Glad to have you back!!!!