Tuesday, October 21, 2008

File this under NASTY!

So..the dogs butt exploded...you think that i am kidding...well I'm completely serious!

He was licking his butt WAY more then usual so after telling him 5 times to knock it off I picked him up to have a little look. (eewww.. I know.) Anyway, it was red and swollen but I could not see anything else and there was no way I was touching it, plus it was about 9:00 p.m. so there really was nothing I could do about it right then except lock him in the laundry room and see how it looked in the a.m.

So, upon awaking the next morning I checked on him and literally his whole butt had exploded and it was. just. NASTY. I immediately called the vet and got an appt for right after I dropped C off at school.

Could not find the leash so had to carry him ~as far away from myself as I could~ into the vets and give them a look at the puss ridden butt...you just threw up a little didn't you!

End story something about anal glands having to clean them out....he should be doing it himself...but somethings not working....paid $200.00 for them to clean him up....will probably happen again...someone needs to help him clean them....I'm curious if anyone is willing to volunteer for this litte J.O.B. because it sure won't be me!


carey said...

poor jack. i think that the job of helping him clean his butt should go to the man of the house, don't you? OR you could do it and charge the man of the house $200...:)

Rocky said...

I couldn't do it for any amount...gag reflex WAY too strong!

Karen said...

I came over here to tell you that I stash gingerbread creamer in the freezer, too.....but now I feel a little nauseous.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for describing it in such detail - GROSS!! I love that picture of Jack and Buster? (I always forget his name - probably b/c I never see him) in the bed together. Too cute!