Friday, July 25, 2008

A couple of gems.....

While eating breakfast one morning and reading A Thousand Splendid Suns......

Carsen: Mom, why don't you read that outloud to me?
Me: It's not a book for kids.
C: Well, Griffen is a kid.
Me: And I don't read it out loud to him either.
C: Dad's a teenager.
Me: Oh really, so what am I?
C: You are just a mom. (said with a look of "your kidding me right?")

The other happened while camping for a week with a couple other family friends.
We had 3 families all with kids but one has a daughter who is 14 and very cute.
So the boys are down at the playground at the campground and here is the conversation that has been relayed back to me.

Carsen: Mary is HOT!
This is where the conversation ended because Griffen put Carsen in a head lock and dragged him back up to the camp to apologize to Mary for making an inappropriate comment about her. It was a little hard to explain to my 5 year old and my 10 year old that it was not exactly a bad comment....etc...all of this while trying to keep from laughing too hard.

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