Monday, July 27, 2009

Fast Paced Summer!!

May...MAY was the last time I blogged?? Where has the time gone? Well...I sort of know where the time has gone I just can't believe it has gone so quickly! The boys got out of school and we promptly loaded up the family mobile and headed out. We made a quick stop in Boise to visit with Wes (who is living there for 6 months) then on to Colorado so I could drop off the rugrats with my sister so Wes and I could go to San Antonio for a week. We attended a conference where I got to learn that I should never be the first to arrive at a party or the last to leave, and always hold your drink in your left hand......I fail miserably at both of these! Never first one there but usually one of the last out the door!! Anyway, then I returned to CO for a few days then back to Boise for the 4th & Griffen's 11th birthday!! Returned to Oregon just in time to unpack, repack, shop for food and head out for a week camping trip with friends. So far this summer I have spent 2 1/2 weeks at home. I am a little behind in everything to say the least! We have 2 more trips coming in the next 3 weeks so the fast pace will continue. But we are having fun though so thats all that counts!


Karen said...

Wow. It's a whirlwind, to be sure! Glad you're still around, so glad you're having fun! Equally glad you fail at the wifey things that challenge me. I would love to hear more about that. Enjoy your trips, catch us up when you can!

carey said...

good thing you travel well :)
school starts in 15 days here. YIKES.

still homeless. i will keep you posted.