Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We have now added 2 more wakeboarders to our family!!! BOTH boys got up on the wakeboard and stayed up even crossing the wake. This is such a huge step for G....he has done nothing but tube for the past oh...I don't know.....8 years!!!! C has tried every year since he was 3 but this is the first time that he has been able to do it. He stays way scrunched down but that board is planed out and he can go back and forth so for a 5 year old it is awesome. He will be throwing back flips before we know it. I would post pictures but I managed to forget to pack a camera for the trip so I am waiting to get the copies from the others that went with us on the houseboat so be watching for them.


Karen said...

Oh, man. You must be so proud! I can't wait to see pics, and hear more stories from the trip.

carey said...

we have the same children. will you please please please move to south dakota? preferably next door?