Friday, May 04, 2007

Weary or Wicked?

No rest for the weary isn't that what they say? Or is it wicked? Either way we are not getting any! We have seriously been going non stop. This week we had soccer on monday, baseball game on tuesday, cub scouts on wednesday, baseball pictures and a game on thursday, and we are 7 minutes into friday and here I sit writing due to my guilt for not posting much lately.
After a day of going since 8:00 a.m. Carsen fell into bed practically asleep before his head hit the pillow...oh yeah....he forgot his pillow downstairs so he didn't even get to 'hit the pillow' It was an exciting day for him. It was my birthday and all 3 boys could not wait until today for presents so they gave them to me last night. Well excited and unable to keep a secret. Like when I woke Carsen up this morning and the first words out of his mouth were. "Did Daddy get that cake for you so I can have a piece now?" I did not say anything to Wes but during lunch Carsen brought it up again and Wes did the 'it's a secret' thing and I told him that the cat was out of the bag with Carsen's first words of the day! I have to give him credit I mean after all he made it through the evening before without spilling the bea...err I mean frosting!

1 comment:

carey said...

Happy belated. Hope you had a good one! Sounds like you guys could use a vacation...I know!! How about a trip to South Dakota? We rest here all the time :)