OK seriously, what is with the pajama pants??? I know that for a long time the high school age kids would wear them sometimes but then the schools made that "unacceptable attire" and I have not seen too much of it since. Unless you count "Pee your pants guy" that wanders around town and wears his on occasion. But lately, every time I go anywhere I see someone in pajama pants. The kind that leave no doubt that they are PJ's. Like fuzzy tweedy bird ones....on a woman who is at least in her late 30's. The strangest thing is everything else seems to be normal with them. They don't appear to have just gotten out of their sickbed and had to go to the store to retrieve medicine. They are typically dressed normally from the waist up. Most even have make up on and have done something with their hair. So, what exactly is it?? I mean I know that it's nice to be comfortable and I fully admit that there are days that I wear black yoga pants when I have not been doing yoga but never....ever....even on my deathbed am I going to wear MUPPET FUR, TWEEDY BIRD pants out of my house...or even in my house for that matter!
They are amazingly comfortable and yes, I am guilty of wearing them to Brand'y house on Christmas morning. Besides, mine have cute little polar bears on them which are way cooler than tweety birds!
All the cool moms take their kids to school in pajama pants. Really.
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