So... today we find out who G's teacher is for this next year. It turns out we did not end up with who we requested. The one that Griffen really wanted and who is also the "science" oriented teacher who has a special grant to do a volcano project. Even though oh by the way he was the top science student in his 4th grade class.....but whatever.....when we stopped at the school and read the list today his little face fell and he stated that he does not want the teacher he ended up with she is the meanest teacher ever and now wants to be HOMESCHOOLED!!!!!!!!! Now this is where I begin to say now it won't be so bad. If you follow the directions and are respectful you won't have any trouble at all...blah....blah.....blah.....now these are the words that are coming out of my mouth but the thoughts going through my head sound more like this......
"Oh crap, he is going to be in trouble every frickin day.....i can't have him start out his school year not liking his teacher before we even begin......i will be getting called every damn day.....i seriously don't think i could homeschool him.....what the crap am i supposed to do.....how can i work him into the class he wanted?????aaarrrrggghhhh......."
Fastfoward to this evening after the spouse gets home from work and he is talking to G about having a good attitude about things blah...blah....blah....and
Wes: "Griffen what do you do when life hands you lemons?"
Griffen: (without skipping a beat) replies: "YOU PUCKER UP." (notice the period....this was no question this was a flat out statement from the kid.
Me: hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahah......hahahahahahhahahahha.......hahahahahahah
1 comment:
oh crud. can't you do something? pull some strings? show some cleavage? something? griffen will SHINE in a science oriented classroom. man, school sucks. you gotta go talk to them. you gotta.
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