And it just keeps coming down. Our family is loving it but we are wondering if it is going to stop anytime soon. Since these pictures were taken we have had 2 more storms that have put down about another 15 inches. Plus, it is forcasted to snow for the next 5 out of 7 days!! We have been passing the time snowmobiling around the neighborhood, having Wii tournaments, and sledding off the hills in the yard that were built after shoveling off the roof! Enjoy the pictures.
rock on! i am so glad you are back to blogging, just checked back today and wow! you have been busy. i love seeing and hearing about the family...makes me miss you though.
keep it up! :)
Hey, Rocky. Where do you live? I thought it was Oregon, but that looks like too much snow.
Hello Karen! It is Oregon. We are having a huge snow year. We LOVE it! Actually, we are setting some records. The kids have been out of school 5 different days for snow or snow removal. Now we are afraid they are going to tack extra days onto our summer!
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