Friday, December 26, 2008
Overheard sayings from random shoppers
Thursday, December 18, 2008
"How would you like it if I used the mean voice on you when you were late for school???"
Number 2.
"You always keep me warm.......with love."
Sunday, December 07, 2008
One More Thing!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Blame Facebook!
The rest of our October and November went quickly!
Had the annual Halloween party at our house.
Carsen turned 6! We had a big party where we took 15 kids to the movies then out for food, soda, cake and presents! The party room at Wingers was TORN UP!! They were all great but Wingers puts bowls
Which led me to think that people use this room, mess it up and don't order anything??
AND he lost his first front tooth..well if truth be told I yanked it out due to the fact that it had been loose moved and started to reattach itself in a funny sticking out, position so the adult tooth was just coming in behind it. It took dental floss and 4 good pulls to come out. Sounds yucky huh! He took it like a champ!

Griffen just been "going to school and doing chores" (according to him.) But I guess it paid off as he made the HONOR ROLL!!!!! this term.. his words were..."I got all A's and 1 B and made the honor roll and did you know that if I get all A's I can make the Grand Honor Roll?" Funny thing was he said it with something akin to Shock and Awe. My impression is that he did not even know that such things as honor rolls existed.
So that leads up to last night and our annual Snowflake parade which has consumed most of my whole week. Somehow...unbeknownst to me it was determined that I had artistic talent..(I don't) and I was nominated to paint all the details on our float. To include drawing and painting people. Fortunately, where I was working on it one of the guys that worked there took pity on me and drew the people for me so I just had to color them in. It actually came out pretty good and Griffen got to ride on it down main st!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Surprising questions
Not making this up totally true question that
was asked to me last week
by a fellow mom.......
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Quotable Quotes...
~Carsen at breakfast after politely asking for some hot cocoa~
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Only Me?
One sunny morning earlier this month, I was casually walking out of the BX on base and for no apparent reason I completely wipe out!!
This was not just a little stumble and fall, but catch yourself on one knee kind of fall.
This was an all out arms flailing, one knee down, second knee down, hands hit the pavement, bag (with brand new bottle of Patron) goes flying, narrowly saving myself from doing a full face plant kind of fall.
Again~ no apparent reason..no crack in the sidewalk, no pebble stepped on, no Patron affecting my equilibrium, no anything other then one more chance to try and perfect my tuck and roll...still don't have it down but I am sure I will get a do over at it some point in the near future.
(By the way the Patron was fine ...when i told this story to my dear friends that was the first and only thing they asked about~ between the laughter that is.)
Another odd thing happened to me today was while I was out running with Lana~
I went to scratch my nose and literally my finger jams up inside my nose.....the aforementioned dear friend does not hesitate to call me on it immediately asking..."Why are you picking your nose?" ~~I was TRYING to SCRATCH it!!! Sort of felt like a Seinfeld episode.
These are just a couple of things from the past couple of weeks....I have more....but this is enough for you to get the idea.
It's no wonder when G says that he is too embarrassed to tell me something and i say..go ahead you can tell me, think of all the embarrassing things I do and he laughs and says "Oh yeah, your right!"
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
File this under NASTY!

So..the dogs butt exploded...you think that i am kidding...well I'm completely serious!
He was licking his butt WAY more then usual so after telling him 5 times to knock it off I picked him up to have a little look. (eewww.. I know.) Anyway, it was red and swollen but I could not see anything else and there was no way I was touching it, plus it was about 9:00 p.m. so there really was nothing I could do about it right then except lock him in the laundry room and see how it looked in the a.m.
So, upon awaking the next morning I checked on him and literally his whole butt had exploded and it was. just. NASTY. I immediately called the vet and got an appt for right after I dropped C off at school.
Could not find the leash so had to carry him ~as far away from myself as I could~ into the vets and give them a look at the puss ridden butt...you just threw up a little didn't you!
End story something about anal glands having to clean them out....he should be doing it himself...but somethings not working....paid $200.00 for them to clean him up....will probably happen again...someone needs to help him clean them....I'm curious if anyone is willing to volunteer for this litte J.O.B. because it sure won't be me!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
October's Digest....
1. "Lost in Translation"~ Carsen was talking to Wes' dad on speaker phone and this is how it played out.
Grandpa: "What are you doing today?"
Carsen:"Going to work with my dad to play my DS."
Grandpa: "Just being a general pain in the ass?"
~Wes and I were listening and both of us almost peed our pants laughing!~
2. Realized that we may need to stop thinking that it is "cute" when Carsen says "Mank you" instead of "Thank you" and start encouraging him to say it correctly as he actually has a hard time with the "th", "L" and "Sw" sounds....great parenting huh!
3. Flew in the "Vomit Comet" again down to Travis A.F.B. for a graduation then on to Vegas for a friends fun 40th birthday celebration.
4. On the plane ride there we hit a GIGANTIC air bump that caused me to slam my head into the roof of the airplane...when we landed Wes says "Wow that was a big one...I have only hit about 10 of those my whole life." My reply: "Lucky me 2~~YES TWO!~~of those have been with me in the freakin plane with him!! YEA!!!
5. Am giving running a try again...I managed 2 miles yesterday~with the Ipod and at my own pace. Felt....OK! Didn't have to stop once and managed to lap an old couple!
So, there is the readers digest version of the month so far.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Mumbling from a sleeping man..
Monday, September 29, 2008
Parenting 101
that he should probably not sing that song???
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
%^&&*&^#$* Running
uumm...ok.... I guess I could do that.... so away we go....
I would like to say that we jogged side by side, enjoying each others company, got a good workout, etc. but, I just can't lie to you. I SUCK! Seriously, running is so not my sport. You people who love to run are INSANE!! ~Carey~Karen~Alexis~you know who you are! I literaly thought my throat was going to close up and my lungs were going to explode!! The thing that I can't stand the most is it is not my body, my legs are not tired, I am wearing 2 sports bras to contain the girls, everything feels great except my breathing. I get to a point that if I don't stop running and just walk I may pass out right there on the trail. Not good!
We did figure out a way that worked out and plan to do that again in the future. We run together until I can no longer take it then he sprints off a ways comes back and when he gets back to me we take off running together again. We both got a good interval workout but since it was due to the fact that I am such a LLLLOOOSER in the running dept. i'm not sure how i feel about it!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Right back at cha!!!
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
1st day of Kindergarten
And so it begins....Monday was Carsen's first day of Kindergarten! He was so excited and I managed to make it through without a single tear!! Weird how I cried over the 5th grader but not the kindergartener!!
He is a smart little guy already and Wes once again tried to use one of his "quotes" on one of our boys with this result.....
Carsen spilled a soda in my car and started bawling...
Wes: Well it's done there is no use crying over spilled milk..
Carsen: "It wasn't MILK!!!"
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Birthday??? Christmas??? What???
5th Grade
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Scrubbing Bubbles
"When are those little guys going to come out and clean?"
The funny thing is I remember thinking the same thing when I was little.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
G in a Nutshell

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Michael Phelps Rocks!!!
Friday, August 08, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Are You Freaking Kidding Me???

Friday, July 25, 2008
A couple of gems.....
Carsen: Mom, why don't you read that outloud to me?
Me: It's not a book for kids.
C: Well, Griffen is a kid.
Me: And I don't read it out loud to him either.
C: Dad's a teenager.
Me: Oh really, so what am I?
C: You are just a mom. (said with a look of "your kidding me right?")
The other happened while camping for a week with a couple other family friends.
We had 3 families all with kids but one has a daughter who is 14 and very cute.
So the boys are down at the playground at the campground and here is the conversation that has been relayed back to me.
Carsen: Mary is HOT!
This is where the conversation ended because Griffen put Carsen in a head lock and dragged him back up to the camp to apologize to Mary for making an inappropriate comment about her. It was a little hard to explain to my 5 year old and my 10 year old that it was not exactly a bad comment....etc...all of this while trying to keep from laughing too hard.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Still Alive and Tired!!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
We all just wanna be big rockstars...
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Carsen steps out of the bathroom and I tell him go wash your hands.
His reply to me:
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Oh Happy Day...
"Making the decision to have a child--It's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body."
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Overheard Conversations...
I laughed out loud at that one.
As for the game. We lost 24 to 12. But Griffen got to pitch which is what he has been dying to do all season. I was shocked that the coach put him in to pitch because as much as I love the little guy he just does not have the pitching arm...maybe someday but not currently! But, I do love that the coach, even though we were playing such a tough team put him in there to give it a try! We are really fortunate to have a coach that puts the priority on the kids and having them enjoy the game and not just be 'in it to win it.' Plus, he really knows his stuff so they are learning a lot from him too.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Drugs are bad..
Me: Yes, some people do smoke in their cars. But we don't smoke at all.
C: Yeah, and if someone tries to give me drugs I say No thanks, I'm already cool enough. And then I walk away and the police will come and get them.
Wow..uummm..we have not even had the drug talk with our 5 year old but it sounds like he may have it down! I really loved the "I'm already cool enough" part.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Amish Friendship Bread
Well, apparently I was not meant to be Amish because I CANNOT do it..... I received this on Friday and have squished it around every day since only to have my gag reflex tested every single time. I finally threw it away this morning because I seriously could not face almost throwing up for the 4th day in a row. My family has found quite a bit of humor in it you know....
"Hey everyone, Mom is about to squish the white, foamy, fermented stuff again....come watch!!!It's hilarious! I bet $5.00 that she actually vomits today!!!"
Sunday, May 04, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
19 to 2
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Fairy Time?
Monday, April 14, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Baseball Season
I recently read a post from a 'blog friend' about her son's first game this year. Griffen will also be having his first game of the season next weekend. So, between her post and Griffen playing and the fact that he is no longer a Rookie but now a Minor which comes with the possibility of the much talked about "little league" issues that we have all heard. It reminded me of a poem that was printed in our newspaper last year that I cut out and have had on the fridge since. I did have to uncover it as artwork, photo's, and report cards have buried it over time but here it is..
"The Old Bluebird"
He stands at the plate with
his heart pounding fast.
The bases are loaded, the
die has been cast.
Mom and Dad cannot help
him, he stands all alone.
A hit at this moment would
send the team home.
The ball meets the plate, he
swings and he misses.
There's a groan from the
crowd, with some boos and
some hisses.
A thoughtless voice cries,
"Strike out the bum."
Tears fill his eyes, the
game's no longer fun.
So, open your heart and
give him a break,
For it's moments like this, a
man you can make.
Please keep this in mind,
when you hear someone forget,
He is just a little boy, and
not a man yet.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Kissy Carsen
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Jelly Beans....
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
My Next Little Einstein
It looks like he is headed down the love of reading path where his brother and I walk often...
Monday, March 31, 2008
Naughty Monkeys?
Tuesday: 5:30 ~ 6:15 soccer practice @ one school
5:30 ~ 6:30 baseball practice @ a different school
6:30 leader meeting for scouts also at a different location
Wednesday: 5:30 baseball practice
6:00 scout meeting (again different locations)
Thursday: Sweet nothing!!!
Friday: 5:30 soccer prac.
5:30 baseball prac. (you guessed it different locations)
I am now hoping that this new wizardology book that Griff got for being the top reader in his class will give him a clue as to how to clone me so I can be in 2 places at one time!!
Saturday, March 29, 2008

On Monday we packed up the camper and with 2 other families headed down to SIX FLAGS for the week. It was a great time. We had nice weather for the most part and even though it was spring break for Oregon and California the crowd and lines were not bad at all with the exception of one ride which all but 2 of the adults and the "too short to ride" crowd stood in line for 2 hours for only to get on and apparently in one of the first turns Griffen looks at Wes and says "I just lost my glasses!" GREAT!! First day of the trip, second ride of the day!! Unfortunately, his prescription is so much that those "one hour" shops cannot make new glasses so he had to go the rest of the time without. It was strange to see him without glasses for so long but he did not have any problems or get any headaches without them so that was good news. So off we all went to ride as many rides as much as possible for 3 days in a row. We had 5 adults and 7 kids with us ranging in ages from 6 months to 10 years. We all had a good time with the exception of a couple of hunger meltdowns, and one water from the dolphin tank incident!
First day, all the kiddo's and Pappy!
It's a Looney Tune World!
Griffen sans glasses!!
His Highlights:
This is a big step for him.
Carsen's Highlights and quotes:
Wes and I having a little spat (neither of us remember what it was about.) and Carsen say's to him.
"Why did you ever marry her?" (Little Harsh!)
At the Jelly Belly factory we look over and Carsen and our friends son, also blonde and blue eyed are getting their picture taken with an Asian family. When the boys came back over to us I asked why they were taking pictures with them and Carsen replies,
"They wanted us to but I couldn't understand them they speak spanish."
On this trip he also informed me during his one meltdown before bed that,
"I ruined his life and everyone elses too!" (OUCH!)
He changed his mind after a good nights sleep!
My Highlight???
At the Jelly Belly factory I got punked by the husbands! Griffen was the unknowing pawn in this little GAG! (Literally, GAG!!)
So, we all get our favorite flavor of beans and are formulating our next move while eating these beans and Griffen says hey there are some in my bag that I didn't put in there so I tell him that sometimes with that many they get a few flavors mixed up and just take them out and give them to me. Which he does and seeing the 'buttered popcorn' flavor I pop it into my mouth. Well, I quickly realize that I am not tasting buttered popcorn but 'rotton egg' yes, you read that right ROTTEN EGG!!!!!!!!!! I am able to turn around and the trash can is right there so I can spit it out and proceed to spit again a few more times, then jump around because I am about to toss my cookies right there in the visitor's center of the Jelly Belly factory on front of everyone!!! YEP....they sell those Harry Potter Beans there also...and as bad as the rotten egg tasted I am VERY glad that I did not end up with VOMIT, or BOOGER. (they have them) It was a total set~up and I still can't believe that I walked right into it with my eyes WIDE open. Gotta love livin' with BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
MONDAY~ This might be TMI but don't care I am telling anyway. I finally went to in for my "girl" appointment. So, I change into my little paper gown which really there is almost no point in having it but at least it is something right? And the Dr. comes in and we are chatting and then she starts the exam you know...lay back, scooch down to the end of the table and put your feet in the nice little stirups...so she does the first part of the exam, and we are still having a conversation about kids, school, etc... and then she stop's mid exam to continue our talk...now just to paint the picture I am STILL laying on the table with my knees WIDE OPEN and my goodies fully exposed as she is standing in between my legs, rubber gloves, juuuust talkin to me....I don't even remember what she was saying at that point because all I could think was "please finish....please finish...it's getting a little breezy down there in rio...."
TUESDAY~Cub Scout day for Griffen. Most know that I am the Den leader for his group and I have heard crazy stories about parents freaking out at things but this is the first time that I have seen it first hand. It was Pinewood Derby night. (For those that don't know the boys built little cars out of a wooden block and then they race them.) So our whole pack is there and one of the dads is one of our pack leaders so he was the go to person for the derby. Well part way through the event a couple of parents questioned something and he seriously LOST HIS MIND....started yelling and cussing and generally was extremely aggitated. Well, you know me I can't be like everyone else and let him rant and rave. I have to tell him that he has no business cussing and behaving like that in front of our kids and also proceeded to inform him that he was acting like a 4 year old and throwing a fit was no way to behave like a role model for the boys....he continues to yell, cuss, throw a chair and say that he wanted to punch someones head off. I then tell him I am done with him and he needs to leave. He did leave with a few more choice words and told me that I could do everything from now on to which I replied "Fine, I will." I am not sure what I have gotten myself into but at least I know that I will NEVER behave that way in front of my kids or anyone elses at any scouting event....EVER!!!
WEDNESDAY~ Today is the 2nd day in a row that Griffen has gotten a RED card which means that he must call home and tell me how awful they think he is....now honestly, he has had to call 3 or 4 times this year for as far as I am concerned really trivial things. Like no kidding last year he had to call home because he was talking in the library...so yesterday the call was because he was running in the hallway....seriously....SERIOUSLY. Today he had to call home because he said the teacher was going over a problem and on the paper it had a "+" and the teacher said it was a "-" so of course Griffen being the kid that he is he corrected the teacher. Well, needless to say that did not go over well at all and he got a RED card and send off to call me and tell me yet again how horrible he is.....then he comes home with a homework assignment to answer these following questions....
1. Why should you follow directions when given to you by an adult?
2. Why is it necessary for you to always try to correct other peoples statements when others don't treat you this way?
I don't really have a problem with him having to answer these questions but, it is also time to admit that once again Griffen's teachers have reached the end of their patience and the rest of our year will most likely suck...SO GLAD it is SPRING BREAK!! Our last good year was Kindergarten. He is now in 4th grade. I just wish that the teachers he has would understand that it is just his personality. He is a bright kid who needs things to be a specific way. He sees things in a very black and white way and has no problem questioning authority when he does not understand or believes that authority to be wrong. He lives outside of the box of what the school deems normal. Anyway, tonight we are going in to talk to the teacher...should be fun!! Again, SO GLAD it is SPRING BREAK!! Six Flags here we come!!!
Monday, February 25, 2008