OK, here are a couple of things that have happened this month...curious if others are prone to these kind of things.
One sunny morning earlier this month, I was casually walking out of the BX on base and for
no apparent reason I completely wipe out!!
This was not just a little stumble and fall, but catch yourself on one knee kind of fall.
This was an all out arms flailing, one knee down, second knee down, hands hit the pavement, bag
(with brand new bottle of Patron) goes flying, narrowly saving myself from doing a full face plant kind of fall.
Again~ no apparent reason..no crack in the sidewalk, no pebble stepped on, no Patron affecting my equilibrium, no
anything other then one more chance to try and perfect my tuck and roll...still don't have it down but I am sure I will get a do over at it some point in the near future.
(By the way the Patron was fine ...when i told this story to my dear friends that was the first and only thing they asked about~ between the laughter that is.)
Another odd thing happened to me today was while I was out running with Lana~
I went to scratch my nose and literally my finger jams up
inside my nose.....the aforementioned dear friend does not hesitate to call me on it immediately asking..."Why are you picking your nose?" ~~I was TRYING to SCRATCH it!!! Sort of felt like a Seinfeld episode.
These are just a couple of things from the past couple of weeks....I have more....but this is enough for you to get the idea.
It's no wonder when G says that he is too embarrassed to tell me something and i say..go ahead you can tell me, think of all the embarrassing things I do and he laughs and says "Oh yeah, your right!"