Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Dinner Conversation

So, this evening a friends daughter was having dinner with us and I had the 3 kids set up at the counter eating while I was at the table next to them. I was just reading and sort of listening to them talk about general things when Griffen started telling them about scorpions and what they do etc., etc., etc., which I basically tuned out until I caught the word "mating" I perked up right away and proceeded to hear Griffen tell them about how the "male grabs the female and flips her over and drags her into the shade and DEPOSITS SPERM which the female collects....." oh no, oh no, oh no, this is not happening Mary then says "whats that?" oh no, oh no, oh no.....how do I stop this without turning it into a full up train wreck oh no, oh no, oh no.....so I revert to my usual tactic...I change the subject and quickly jumped in with "How bout them cubbies?" Which led to "We don't have cubbies at my school.", "Oh, I we have them at our school.", "I have cubbies in my school too." Whew! That was a close one. Damn that library, I thought Tipper got them to ban all books about sex!!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Still Snowing
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!
No school, no work, no appointments, no schedule. So far, we have watched Narnia and have plans to bake cookies, build a snowman and have a snowball fight today.
(I never got a snow day growing up can you tell??)
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Living the life of an Air Force wife I am very proud of my husband as are my children and all of their friends who think that every jet that flys through the sky is Pappy and wave to him daily.
But, living the life of an Air Force wife also brings trips or TDY's as we call them or deployments for some. They are the times when he is away from home doing his job. And in case any military wife ever has any doubt that he is gone TDY/deployed these things always help to remind:
The most used toilet in the house breaks.
The light bulbs that need the extension ladder to change blow out.
The microwave blows up.
I get sick as do my children.
It snows...alot.
The T.V. breaks (it takes 2 people to carry it to the vehicle to take to the repair shop.)
The animals get sick and require veterinary assistance.
It is time to move households.
Unexpected visits to the Dr. or worse the E.R.
This is the short list.......
But, living the life of an Air Force wife also brings trips or TDY's as we call them or deployments for some. They are the times when he is away from home doing his job. And in case any military wife ever has any doubt that he is gone TDY/deployed these things always help to remind:
The most used toilet in the house breaks.
The light bulbs that need the extension ladder to change blow out.
The microwave blows up.
I get sick as do my children.
It snows...alot.
The T.V. breaks (it takes 2 people to carry it to the vehicle to take to the repair shop.)
The animals get sick and require veterinary assistance.
It is time to move households.
Unexpected visits to the Dr. or worse the E.R.
This is the short list.......
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Why Oh Why
I know I typically write about general family stuff but I just can't let this one go. Maybe, it's due to the fact that I have an unpleasant image burned into my retinas! So anyway... I am at the gym this morning (yeah me!) and I have showered and am busy getting ready. You know minding my own business when here comes this woman with the towel but she is only holding it over the front of her body. (I should have been thankful for that only I did not realize it at the time.) She then hangs it up starts gathering her items for showering by BENDING OVER IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!!!! not once, not twice, but THREE freaking times. This is also the woman who chooses to shower in the big no curtain shower that NOBODY ever showers in especially when there are open single stall showers. Now, just so you can get the full picture this is not a tall, beautiful, totally in shape woman who I would see and say if I looked like that I would strut around naked also. This was the woman who could redefine the song "my humps" -- not in a good way. Trust me, I saw them all. I suppose I should be thankful that I had to dry my hair therefore she could not strike up a conversation during her 6 minutes of naked bliss that I had to endure. What I need to know is WHY, WHY am I always the one who gets caught in situations like this?
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Girl Toys

OK, so I don't know too much about girl toys being that I am only surrounded by boy toys so when one of my boys are invited to a girls birthday party it is solely up to me to pick out the gift. Now, since I am a girl you would think that this would be easy. Well, you would be wrong! See, we don't typically go down the girl toy isle I mean it's just "gross" all those dolls, and pink stuff YUCK! So I tried giving things like the little girl makeup kits to which the young girl loved but the parent of the child quickly began seeking revenge for. Then about a year ago I found out that "Groovy Girls" were a hot ticket for the 7 and under girl population. And after wading through 'Bratz, Barbies, and Polly's' I finally found these little rag doll things. Well, they are a hit so basically every girls birthday since we have given a "Groovy Girl" The inset picture is the latest one that we are giving. When I pulled it out of the bag to show the boys what 'they' were giving to their friend. Upon seeing it Carsen rolls his eyes and says with a large amount of exasperation "booby girl" again. This confirms it he is definitely Pappy's kid!
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